Thursday 13 September 2012

I'm a tough soldier, and I'm coming home soon.

The war between pen and paper, human brain versus questions are finally over. I am officially done with my exams. Quite nervous of the outcomes truthfully. I think I did quite badly but I hope not too bad that it'd spoil my results.

"Bismillahi tawakkal tu 'alallah. Wa lahaulawala quwwataillah billah hil'aliyyil 'azim"

Dah berusaha, jadi tawakkal je lah, dan doa sebanyak yang mungkin. Anyway, now that the examss are done, I now have time for myself. To list out some of the things that I might do during the 2weeks break;

1. Gain weight! Like seriously need to do this. Last time I checked I was 31kg. Aim for cuti ni, to weigh 35kg minimum and maximum. om nom nom spree it is! ^w^
2. Have to generate ideas for business to make it work work work, successfully. Advertisement? Rebranding? To really think of it, rasa macam lebih beria berniaga daripada ber-engineer. Har har, memang mintak kena libas dengan Abah.
3. Do sketches of plushie and make them jump out of paper. If rajin, sew these stuff. Hm, I remember owing Nana a plushie. :O
4. Go out more often! Go to interesting places, do interesting things, meet interesting people. So much to explore, if Mak let me. hewhew. But I think I'll end up spending time picking up kids from school, attending lectures dekat masjid.
5. Be more willing, more rajin to attend kelas ilmu dekat masjid. Jangan tunggu hati hitam, keras macam batu.
6. Ngorat people. eh? haha.

Just kidding. I think 5 things are already much stuff to keep me occupied during the holiday. Plus it's a short one, not much time to do stuff pun. Baru nak unpack, tengok-tengok dah in second week of holiday. I think it's gonna turn out that way. Haha

Oh well, I guess this is it for now. Planning planss. Much fun. now is time for bed, no time to waste after spending 2 weeks struggling in war. Every minute is preciouss *talks like a gollum in Lord of The Ring* ignore that bit.

So good night folks, this little soldier is going to zzz.


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