Monday 24 September 2012

Javachip & Americano.

We've known each other for a long time, but I never knew your coffee preference. I texted you, asking about that. Your reply was, "Bout the kopi, we think about it nanti."

As I ponder upon the meaning of your text, I quickly went to the nearest coffee shop in Taipan. So many varieties up on the shelf. Decaf, flavored, dark & distinctive, rich & creamy. Tough choice, I end up choosing Mocha Java and prayed to God you'd like it.


I've never been to LCCT before, driving on my own would be sorta impossible plus my mum wouldn't let me. I asked my sister to take me there. She drove my dad's car, at a speed of 120km/h but still, I felt like the car is moving oh so slow. If only I could make the car go any faster, I would. Along the way, I made up conversations in my head to occupy myself. Thinking of questions to ask, stories to tell.

Got there by 5.30pm. I was late. You told me to wait in front of the coffee shop. So that was what you meant, we'd be having a cuppa coffee. I felt silly for being so stubborn, should've waited, I could have bought you your favourite coffee instead.

Ordered our drinks and then find ourselves a table. Q&A session. Awkward. You kept stirring your coffee. Cakap sikit, jawab sikit. You were serious, no smile no nothing. The tense, reminds me of being in a principal's office. Soon enough I ran out of questions. Sucked the hell out of my frap. More awkward silence. You came to the rescue when you started talking about your backpacking trips. Kapadokya, Beijing, Alexandria. They did sound like so much fun, you seemed so happy talking about it, I enjoyed listening to your stories.

Half an hour.

Finally managed to put a smile on that face. Molek sikit. haha. But too bad, it was short-lived as I had to go back to Subang already, so that would mean goodbye. I wished we had all the time in the world, but we don't.

Nevertheless it was the best half an hour of my life, catching up with you. At the end of the day, our brief talk inspired me to study harder, get good results for my own sake. I need that, a boost. So thank you :)

In all, yesterday certainly has left quite an impression on me.


Dark and strong. That's how you like your coffee. I'll keep it in mind for next time, if any.
So, see you again, maybe?

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