Saturday 29 September 2012


So Result Day is today. 

After countless refreshing/loading page of student info, at last I knew my results. MEH. It was, not too bad but really bad. bad but not too bad. Disappointed? Hell yeah I am. Who do I blame for this? No one but myself. :(

It is such a sad fact that I'm a sucker for distraction, totally dysfunctional when it comes to handling problems. And distractionsss were so freaking aplenty during last semester, so much time wasted mourning. Sigh. Darling cat went to kitty heaven, super badass midterms, dead boyfriend (eh?) what better timing they all had. nobody saw that coming huh? I should have studied in advance if I knew these things were going to come and chase me in July. I wish I had a time machine to fix everything. Luls, so much wishful thinking, stop that. :|

Oh well, like what John Mayer said, "Bad news never had good timing" Shit happens all the time, it's either now or later. So I try to accept the fact that maybe Allah has decided that last semester was the best timing to test me. Mak always reminds me that all things happen for a reason. So I'm sure You have better plans for me. :)

I've decided that I certainly am not, will not let those things and people drag me down for next sem. Weird enough I actually felt pretty stoked about starting the new sem. 1 day left! Such a rare feeling, to look forward to start classes and meeting people and fyp and stuff. Haha! Well thank you God for the slap on the face, figuratively.

All I can say is ..
Bring in all the shitz man, coz I'm gonna *study and do better this time! \o/

*hopefully this semangat lasts for more than 1 week. teehee.

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