Friday 14 September 2012

You've got growing up to do.

"A handbag is like a closet door to Narnia or to simply put it like a Doraemon's pocket. Looks like nothing on the outside but so many things to discover in the inside. "
-A wise saying from the not so wise dinosaur, A. Chan.

I used to think it's quite impractical to be walking around with a handbag. Yea lah. Too many zips, too many small compartments, too much fuss especially when you are trying to find that one thing you needed most. You can easily lose yourself or maybe find a bunny innit. So complicated. Plus, handbag kepit bawah ketiak. Minus points for that! Thus when everyone wears a handbag, I opt for a backpack. More convenient I can say.

I wear a backpack everywhere I go, no matter what the occasion. To the class, hang out with friends, going to the mall, etc etc. I feel comfortable that way and it has been like that for quite some time until.. now. Sekarang berasa pelik dan aneh dan pelik bila pakai backpack. Tengok member semua pun so womanly, made me feel ridiculous and so childlike. I feel like I have to conform to the society's expectation, that in order to look like an adult, one has to own a decent handbag.

Oh man. Can I just say I'm getting girly-er by day. So weirddd but senang cerita. Ni baru mukadimah pasal handbag, belum lagi pasal benda lain :s Actually to think that I actually wrote a whole essay on handbag is just .. wow.

seriously what is happening to me? :O

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