Thursday 15 November 2012

Pew pew.

It's almost 3am and I'm still up. Madre is gonna give me a good smacking spanking tomorrow fo sho. I'm just not sleepy yet, so am doing what I do best, lurking around on the internet finding listen-worthy kind of songs. I actually do have real work to do but..
Oh well.

I have my flipping flippers progress report 1 due by next Monday. AAAAAAAA *tarik rambut* Been procrastinating like foreverrr and I'm three hundred percent sure I'm going to regret doing so. Meet my FYP lecturer for the very first time today, that was super duper freaky man. Good thing Dr Chua was actually cool, BUTT, he told me, "You don't think it's FYP 1 you can relax-relax. Next semester you got IDP and FYP 2 at the same time and you'll be super occupied you're certainly going to regret procrastinating. Get most of the things done during FYP 1 so you won't be so busy during FYP 2. And another thing is you have to come see me because I won't be chasing after you guys."

Yes, obviously that feels like a knock on my head, the message goes straight to the heart. Malu weh dah almost half semester baru terhegeh-hegeh jumpa lecturer. I am an adult now, I shall act like one.
But I want candy. NO. I want gummy worms. eeek!

It feels like the weekend already. Hm. Will start doing work tomorrow.

Anyway, drank like a quarter carton of milk, just because I'm craving for something cold. And you can guess the only cold thing that was in the fridge, and drinkable as well would be, yea milk. Heck a lot, soon I'd be growing whiskers instead of a beard.

Now as an adult, I'd better go tuck myself in bed like.. NOW.

This is Chan,
signing off with my paw.


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