Thursday 8 November 2012


Everyone has that something that they like to do the most. For me I don't really know what I like, I'm sorta indecisive(is that even the right word to describe me? hmm) but I do love art and craft and business whatever thingamajig. But of course you don't always get to do what you love the most for a living. If you do, then you are one lucky dude!

I have always complaint to my housemates how I loathe engineering, how it has never been an interest of mine etc etc. I told them after I'm done with engineering I'm gonna proceed doing a double degree, taking a course that is related to the things I would enjoy doing. And my housemates being all strictly parently-ish told me that I shouldn't be doing that. Of what I could recall from yesterday's conversation was ;

1. "Whose gonna pay the loan?"
2. "I thought you like environmental engineering?"
3. "You always komplen komplen itu susah ini susah. You haven't try your best yet you wanna complain some more."
4. "Try working first. Kalau rasa tak boleh pegi jauh, then you do a double degree laa. But seriously who's gonna pay the loanss ha?"
5. "Working as an engineer is not the same as studying to be an engineer. Who knows it might be a lot of fun during the working days later."

I highly doubt that, but everything they said got me thinking of a kinda clever saying. (Narcissist much? Heh heh. But seriously.)

"You wouldn't know you're good at something, unless you try doing your best. If you still suck at it, then most probably you're not good at it after all. But of course with much effort, sooner or later you'll be good at it anyway.

Point is, if you never try then you'll never know. "

Which again had me thinking, I am kinda lazy at studying which of course resulting in me getting pretty lousy grades. Today, for the first time evah, I studied hard for a Geotech test. (Well not so hard after all because I only started studying this morning and the exam was tonight at 8pm.) And I kinda like the feeling of it. Feeling a little bit clever than the usual. Haha. But seriously, I had a thought that I might actually enjoy doing this engineering course after all.

In the end, I decided that I'm gonna try giving my best shot for this civil-whatevertheclevershiznit-engineering thing.

(dah tahun akhir baru nak cakap gini? *facepalm*)

It's sokayy, it's soraiit, kamon baby fight fight fight! \o/

Foot note:
For those yang rasa macam pemalas sangat, amalkan baca doa ni (doa para nabi);

And an additional doa, untuk senang process ilmu dan dipermudahkan urusan (Surah Taha ayat 25-28);

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